Sunday, 26 June 2016

Water Lily

Recently the weather has been typically British - never knowing what it will be like in an hour's time. Anything from brilliant Sunshine to tropical downpours.

One of my water lilies snapped during a short sunny period:


From time to time I am trying to thin out some of the other aquatic plants which have got out of control.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

A Lovely Surprise Encounter

Woke up early so it was just 6 a.m. as we went out for our first walk of the day. Just got to the front gate when you could have knocked me down with a feather. There, cautiously coming through the hedge opposite, was a Muntjac Deer. Fortunately I had the Nikon in my pocket so I was able to grab a couple of hurried photos before it disappeared:


In fact there wasn't just the one but two which had been taking advantage of the vegetation in the large, well kept gardens opposite:


I was surprised just how small they were. Apart from their bulky shape they looked to be much the same size as Penny who was very patiently watching them through the front gate.

That really made my day as my next door neighbour has seen one in his back garden at least twice this year. My garden is well fenced in with high gates so I had given up any idea of seeing one myself.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Our Unelected Masters

Unelected - to rule until 31st October 2019 - the EU Commission.
1 Presedent, 1 First Vice-President, 5 Vice Presidents, 20 Commissioners


This group were not elected, and cannot be removed, by the population of the EU.
They meet behind closed doors and not accountable to anyone.
What they decide becomes law, overruling anything our MPs decide.
They decide the laws to be put before the MEPs.

My reason for voting Leave is so we in the UK can escape the clutches of this thoroughly undemocratic elite.


I really do hope that 23rd July will become celebrated as UK Independence Day.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

A Blue Day

I have always assumed that I was seeing Common Blue Damselflies around the garden pond but on close examination of the markings on one of the two seen today it turned out to be a male Azure Damselfly:


Most noticeable for identification of the Azure is the thin U shaped black marking on a segment behind its wings:


One excellent source for identification is the Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies of Britain published by FSC Publications. A well illustrated laminated 12 page fold out guide which can be purchased from around £2.

I will have to check more carefully during the rest of the year as, hopefully, a few more appear.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Birdy Bistro Nursery

Recently there have been many parent birds bringing their fledglings to the Birdy Bistro. I have seen families of Blackbirds, Starlings, House Sparrows, Dunnocks and most recently Blue Tits:





Saturday, 18 June 2016

First Damsel of the Season

The first of the Blue Tailed Damselflies to emerge from the garden pond:

Blue Tailed Damselfly

Friday, 17 June 2016

A Bit About EU History

Piffle has some thought provoking videos about the EU

It's the  part about a federal Europe with all laws being made by an unelected Commission which drives me to vote to leave this monstrosity This smacks of a return to medieval times when the barons owned everything and held the power of life and death over the serfs. This time it's the rich and the power hungry who are determined to seize absolute control over the general population.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Seven Days To Go

Unlike Nick Clegg and Dodgy Dave I stick to my pledges

I see that Switzerland is apparently withdrawing its application to join the EU.
A Google translation of part of the document:

Not only can we show that the EU is not the alpha and omega of the political system and that there are other much better solutions, but that is precisely what we do. Statistics say in fact all the same thing in terms of innovation, quality of life, competitiveness, leverage, stability, and in many other areas, Switzerland literally sinking (in) the EU . Quite simply, there is no valid reason to enter the EU. On the contrary, if it was a member, Switzerland would become a net contributor of a rotten carcass, and our people's rights would be only a memory.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Louth Revisited - Video

Car video of Thursday's visit, just over 9 minutes. This time I took a different route.
Essentially the video is in five parts.

1) Leaving the countryside and through the outskirts. Ending as I go down to a set of traffic light where I turn right towards the centre, and lowest part, of the town.

2) A short section where I meet more traffic lights right next to St. James' Church. Before a bypass was built all traffic moving north / south had to negotiate this narrow road. Imagine what it was like when every heavy vehicle and articulated truck was met head on.

3) Straight on and climb back out of the town to top up with petrol.

4) Back the way I came stopping once more at the lights by the parish church. Notice how many of the older buildings are three stories high which makes the narrow roads seem even narrower.

5) On a bit then turning left to negotiate the one way system through the main shopping area before turning right at the mini roundabout to get to my usual car park.

If you are looking for music for your YouTube videos then do have a look / listen to the free tracks which can be found on the Positively Dark site.

Yesterday's post took about 11 hrs to circulate. I hope this one makes it a bit faster.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Another Look at that 295ft Spire

Today, Thursday, I had occasion to visit Louth again. While there I attempted to photograph the parish church, St James, with its towering spire.

A first view from near the car park. About the most that can be seen from most of the town:


A slightly closer look at the top of the tower. There was a time when the tower was open for visitors the climb, inside I hasten to add, on just one or two days each year. I must find out whether this is still possible. Many years ago I made the journey up countless steps on the spiral staircase coming out at the point where the square tower changes to the spire, between those flying buttresses which add stability to the stone spire:



Even at over 200 feet up in the air care was lavished by those medieval stone masons to embellish everything:


Walking to the only part of Louth where full views can be seen:

St James' Church, Louth Lincolnshire

The nave with its side isles:

St James' Church, Louth Lincolnshire


The enormous east window:


A few of the many gargoyles and grotesques:



Even at the end of the stone arch over a circular window:


For historical information look at the inspIre500 site HERE.

The reason for building the tower and spire so tall was to enable the church, which is in a valley, to be seen from surrounding villages
The view I get from my village which is about four miles away:


Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

An Expensive Day Out

Saturday evening was a disaster. While cleaning my spectacles the almost invisible nylon band holding one lens broke leaving the lens to fall out. Had to wait until Monday morning to phone an optician. I was well overdue for an eye check and new glasses and had decided to try a different optician. I was very lucky. The one I chose could fit me in as they had had a cancellation for that afternoon. I set off early to Louth, my local market town, so as to have a look round.

As always I videoed my journey and this is the final stage starting when I leave the countryside and enter the built up area. The outskirts of the town has the most modern houses and as I get closer to the centre the road gets narrower and narrower as is the case in all old towns in this country. Fortunately Monday is a fairly quiet day. Market days are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The only sight of great interest is in the last few seconds where the tall spire of St. James' church can be seen towering over everything else. It is the tallest medieval  parish spire in England. Completed in 1515 it stands 295ft (90m) tall and can be seen from many miles away:

First I found the recently opened vaping (e-cig) shop and bought a new 'tank' which is working really well. Then I sat on the steps at the bottom of an old street lamp which stands in part of the market area to look at the old clock tower rising above the indoor market hall and watch the traffic struggle to get through the centre of the town.



This is the area where most of the market stalls will be set up on a market day.
Just look at that blue sky. It was a glorious day.


Then it was off to the opticians. What a marvellous welcome. All the staff were very cheerful and helpful and the optician herself was very thorough. Pleased to say that the condition of my eyes was passed as better than average. Then the expensive part. Choosing new frames to go with the two pairs of glasses I wanted - self dimming varifocals for everyday wear matched with titanium frames and another, cheaper, pair for computer use.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Green is the Colour

Nice to see a healthy Greenfinch visit today:


Wednesday, 1 June 2016

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