Thursday, 29 June 2017

My Halo

Spent some time setting things up for my amateur radio activities.
First job was to install a new transceiver. An Icom IC-7410 (new to me that is, s/h actually though to look at it you wouldn't think it had ever been used and saved me £500 on a new one) It is taking some experimentation learning to drive it:

DSCN7399 IC 7410

For most of the bands (frequencies) my aerial is a 14.5m length of wire:

DSCN7403 wire aerial

which is made to match the transmitter with an auto tuner: (the black box on the wall)

DSCN7404 auto tuner

At the side of the blog is a list of my latest contacts.
This is taken from the logbook I am keeping on QRZ . com which is one of the ham radio sites where I can look up details about any of the people I talk to:

QRZ logbook

M1BTR is my amateur radio call sign.

What about that halo? Well, I haven't been particularly good or godly.
It is the name given to aerials which are, usually, rectangular.
This is the one I put on the mast today for working one particular band (6m) as my tuner doesn't work on those frequencies;

DSCN7401 6m halo


  1. Looks like another world, John, or at least another way to interact with rest of the world. Old-school style.

    1. Wilma: I guess it is. There aren't many ways you can invite anyone in the world who has the same interests whether they would like to have a short chat.

  2. This takes me back. halving frequencies at night or was it doubling. Forget it if i was in daylight and it was dark in Portishead.

  3. My son is a keen amateur radio enthusiast John.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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