It is fortunate there is a public footpath next to my garden as that gave the Green Cuts guys somewhere to drop a lot of the branches though it was still a tight space avoiding next door's fence and greenhouse. Nor was there much of a landing drop space in my garden between the fruit cage and the garden pond:
This view gives some idea of the task:
It wasn't until I had a closer look at some of the stills used to make the time-lapse I noticed that to be safe some of the cut branches had been lowered to the ground:
Some general shots of the guys at work:
Needless to say there was a veritable mountain of chippings to dispose of.
This truck ferried three loads on the first day alone:
Plenty of wood too thick for chipping, much of which some neighbours took for burning:
Originally I was going to have the stump taken down to about four feet in height but when it had reached this stage I decided I liked it as a natural sculpture to take the bareness off that corner of the garden:
So that was the end of two and a half days hard physical labour on their part.
All that remains is for me to pay the bill when it arrives.