Sunday 1 July 2018

Avoiding the Death Trap + A New Project

Spotted this crafty fly which had settled on the outside of a Venus Flytrap:


Longish term project.


It's quite a while since I last made a time-lapse video.
This set up is to try capturing the Sundew flowers opening.
The top bud is just starting to show some pink.

An old Canon 350D powered from a mains adaptor made by Canon.
Canon 18-55mm lens.  8GB memory card. (room for well over 2 weeks photos)
Flash gun powered from a 12V battery via a voltage dropper to supply 3V
Battery operated digital timer set to trigger a photo every 15 minutes.
Focussing was the very devil as the Sundew is so 'furry' it always looks fuzzy.

No idea how many days this will need to operate to get a result.
I reckon the final video will be about 5 seconds for each day.


  1. There is no flies on that fly John.:)

  2. Waiting with Adrian. :-)

  3. I look forward to seeing the result John.

  4. The first flower is opening though at right angles to the camera at the moment. I'll have to see what the others do and possibly change the camera position.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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