Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Busy Creating

Just a quick photo of what I have been up to these past few days:


These parts have been made with a 3D printer.
I didn't design these but downloaded the files and converted them so I could use them.
A bit of final hand finishing tomorrow and I should be able to assemble them.
To make what?  If it works as intended then I will post about it in the near future.


  1. some sort of track for a camera mount?

  2. I'm thrilled I managed to assemble my new exercise bike without help

    1. Simon: With the poor instructions which come with some self assembly items it can be quite an achievement.

  3. These do look good some better than others. Did you vary the print quality?

    1. Adrian: I think I unwittingly damaged the extruder nozzle early on. I should have re-checked the levelling after all the faffing about tracking the faulty stepper motor. Fortunately this model comes with a spare extrude so I fitted that and spent some time adjusting things. The results were much better on the final two parts - the biggest bits.

  4. Intriguing! - look forward to seeing the finished product!


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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