Going past what used to be the guard room at the main entrance:

As it was a Saturday the main car park was deserted:

The buildings which are occupied are, on the whole, well maintained.
The largest, Tedder Hall, is the headquarters of East Lindsey District Council:

Some need a bit of TLC on the grounds outside, though good for wild life::

All the main buildings have RAF related names. This one will be recognised by many of us:

Pity the owners don't give it a bit of a wash now and then:

Some of the unoccupied buildings have suffered at the hands of the local IQ 0's:

It's not all stark buildings. There are the occasional areas which give a more countryside feel:

Lastly, can you guess what this building was for?

Before it became a convenient place to put mobile phone aerials it was the station's water tower.
It looks an interesting place. Is it the one with an aircraft outside next to the road?
ReplyDeleteAdrian: If you mean a real aircraft then no. The village sign has a model jet Provost (I think) on top of the post. RAF Binbrook had, maybe still has, a Lightning guarding the entrance. Noisy brutes they were. Often used to circle Manby waiting a turn on Donna Nook bombing range. When they stood on their tail and engaged full power it was deafening.
DeleteYes it's the lightning I remember. I used to see them over the North Sea. They made ones ears bleed.