Saturday, 27 March 2021

Prickly Visitor

Had a very pleasant surprise to see a hedgehog had visited the back garden recently:

There was a time, some years ago, I would have two or three visiting every night throughout the Summer. I hope this one becomes a regular. To give it a bit of encouragement I have moved the old hedgehog house near to where it was seen so I could put some food inside, safe from cats, pigeons and Penny:


I also crushed some of the birds' peanuts to place in the hedgehog house.


Remember, don't use peanuts sold for human consumption as they may be salty which could kill a hedgehog.

This is the trail camera which has captured the video clips of fox and hedgehog night visitations:


The shelf above the camera is to give a bit of extra protection when we have heavy rainfall. The camera body is weather proof but a bit of extra protection against the elements never goes amiss.


  1. Its good to see them as they are in such a decline.

    1. Let us hope it returns, it ought to be hungry after the winter.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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