On a nice sunny afternoon a few days ago I ambled round to the churchyard and rested on a sunlit bench to take in some much needed fresh air. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a ladybird running around on one of the arms of the bench:
Then another appeared, but a different variety:
Then to my astonishment a third variety arrived:
In fact I saw four different types of ladybird all rushing about on the same arm. Unfortunately it was too fast for me to take a clear photo. Obviously I wasn't the only life force taking advantage of a sunny, relatively warm corner of the churchyard.
A pleasant sight. We have had very few Ladybirds this year.
ReplyDeleteWe call them ladybugs here but I haven't seen any recently. I think it is getting too cold here. We may have more snow flurries tonight!
ReplyDeleteThough they all look different they're all the same species- Harlequin Ladybird.
ReplyDeleteCould they all possibly be different colours of Harlequin Ladybirds? They appear in so many shapes and sizes. Hope you are keeping well.