Monday, 3 October 2022

Monday Mystery

I was getting a bit annoyed. I used to have a couple of apps on the iPad which were somewhat unique in what they could achieve with very little effort. One was ideal for making a Halloween themed video. The other (Hyperdroste) made videos with changing spiral patterns created from still photos. It took a while for my remaining active grey cell to work out why they had vanished:


Chances are they were amongst many useful old apps which stopped working when I updated iOS a while ago. Unfortunately they are irreplaceable as they were never updated. Consequently they are no longer available on the app store. Yesterday I deleted at least a dozen more apps which will no longer work and have not been updated. At least Uface (used to make the avatar above) remains active.

As I was checking through the various photo manipulation apps I still have I came across XnView Photo which, among other things, can create embossed effects. That got me thinking I would try a few of those for the Monday Mystery photo so here is the first one:


What was this a photo of? If you would like to hazard a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday.


  1. Gosh this is hard and so clever! In case I ponder too long I will guess now that it is a set of four ring pull cans. I am sure I am totally wrong but wanted to have a guess!


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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