Thursday, 27 October 2022

Ready for Winter

It was time to think about some protection from low temperatures for some of my plants. I have had this heated propagator for some time but it spend over a year unused in the greenhouse. Time to bring it back in the unheated conservatory.


Now set up with my home made thermostatically controlled unit. Basically that is a bit of bought electronics which can be programmed with a start (low) temperature and an end (hight) temperature. That operates a solid state relay which is designed to safely use a low voltage (12V) to switch a couple of mains voltage sockets. As it is now it switches on the heating element in the propagator when the temperature drops to 10C and off again when it reaches 12C.

A few small and miniature orchid plants with some succulents occupy it at the moment.


The orchid plant top left spent the Summer outdoors and has started to produced a flower spike for the first time in a couple of years.


  1. You are very organised. The grass only stopped growing here last week so I've not really given any thought to winterising.

  2. I don't winterize any plants. I just let nature take its course with whatever is growing outside.

    1. Ellen: For outdoor plants I follow the maxim of a previous neighbour - 'I've planted it, now it has two chances'. Some of these orchids are semi tropical and need a minimum winter temperature above 10C.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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