Showing posts with label Chinese Lantern Plant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese Lantern Plant. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Seeing Red ....

.... with a bit of orange thrown in.

Starting the day
Sunrise DSCN9115c

Whilst planting some Ice Cream Tulip bulbs
a 7 spot ladybird
7 spot Ladybird DSCN9117c

In the garden

Chinese Lantern plant
Chinese Lantern Plant DSCN9150

Weeping Cotoneaster
Weeping Cotoneaster DSCN9123

Out and about

Berberis DSCN9146

Acer DSCN9121c

Sweet William
Sweet William DSCN9141c


CollageImage 1

To end the day
Sunset DSCN9164c

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Lanterns in the Making

A close look at my Chinese Lantern plants.
I expect to see some bright orange lantern seed cases later in the year:

Chinese Lantern Plant

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Bottle Brush

Bottlebrush plant anyway. Callistemon Citrinus. I used to a have a Callistemon growing in the conservatory many years ago. Even though the conservatory was heated in those days it died off one hard winter. There used to be a garden centre not far away which had one of these in a greenhouse. It had been growing for years and the display of bright red bottle brush shaped flowers put on a magnificent show every year. The version I have just planted in the front garden is rated at H3 which should be safe down to -5C:

 Callistemon Citrinus DSCN8374

For those who haven't seen a Callistemon:
You can see what the flowers look like here on the RHS site.

The two pots of Chinese Lantern plants are coming on well:

 Chinese Lantern Plant DSCN8375

Chinese Lantern Plant DSCN8376

It's nice to have some more unusual flowering plants and am really looking forward to the results.

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