Bottlebrush plant anyway. Callistemon Citrinus. I used to a have a Callistemon growing in the conservatory many years ago. Even though the conservatory was heated in those days it died off one hard winter. There used to be a garden centre not far away which had one of these in a greenhouse. It had been growing for years and the display of bright red bottle brush shaped flowers put on a magnificent show every year. The version I have just planted in the front garden is rated at H3 which should be safe down to -5C:
For those who haven't seen a Callistemon:
You can see what the flowers look like
here on the RHS site.
The two pots of Chinese Lantern plants are coming on well:
It's nice to have some more unusual flowering plants and am really looking forward to the results.
I keep answering your posts in the hopes that one day they will sart getting through again John.
ReplyDeleteI love Chinese Lanterns - I really ought to grow some here - you can dry them easily and put them in vases. Years ago I used to grow "everlasting flowers" (not sure of scientific name) but they were also easy to dry and made good arrangements for the winter months in the house.