Showing posts with label Dianthus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dianthus. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Pottering Round the Garden ...

... with the Canon 70D plus 17-85mm macro lens in hand to see what was about on a (relatively) warm, sunny afternoon.

Peeling bark on the old leylandii stump


A pair of amorous ladybirds who throught they were hidden from prying eyes


Lots of tiny pollen beetles, especially on the tête-a-tete.


A pretty pink Dianthus


A button daisy


Finally a rather tatty Peacock Butterfly on the Heather


It was lovely to get out in the fresh air without having to wrap up like an Inuit.
As so often happens the thing I went out to photograph eluded me.
I had spotted a Bee-fly hovering several times but it was camera shy.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

In The Pink

Acquired a new (to me) iPhone 6s recently and now I think I've won the battle to set it up the way I want it to work it is time to give the 12M pixel camera a try out. I was pleased it seems to focus right down to a couple of inches. These were taken with the Camera+ app as I am used to it and find it less confusing than the app which comes with iOS:

Rockery Dianthus



These are as taken, no retouching or even cropping.

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