Thursday, 11 March 2021


A second area of the pond is now filled with frog spawn. Most of the frogs dive under water when I go near but one was brave enough to stay put while I took a photo:


So far this year I haven't seen any of the newts.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Gone A-Wooing

A frog he would a-wooing go,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
A frog he would a-wooing go,
Whether his mother would let him or no.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.


After hearing some croaking from the pond this morning I could see that the local frogs had definitely gone a-wooing.

Sunday, 7 March 2021


Getting to be a regular:


I had the trail camera set to take three stills and video. It would appear the video starts after the photos have been taken so any visiting wildlife tends to be well away from the camera in any video shots. Now I have it set to take only video so maybe next time Foxy visits we may actually see it move.

Friday, 5 March 2021


Re-visited the field with the bird scarer. Changed quite a bit since the last visit. There are now several of these:


Balls which rotate in the wind. Partly shiny and partly scary face.

Over the far side of the field is what looks like a Hawk Kite:


On my side of the field another kite style scarer though it appeared to be a different version to the one I showed in a previous post:


Once again they were doing a great job as I didn't see a single bird on the ground, or even flying anywhere near the field.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Do You See It?

One Sunny afternoon recently we went for a wander down the track between two fields. Something caught my attention. Can you see what I saw?


Apparently fluttering freely in the sky. A bird?



The latest addition to the local farmer's bird scarers. A still doesn't do it justice. It soared around just like a bird of prey. Made of thin, lightweight material its fluttering wings made it look even more realistic. One thing was for sure. There were no birds on the ground anywhere near it. I couldn't see with the naked eye but a very close crop showed it attached to the ground by a very thin, virtually invisible, cord.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

When I read a short while ago that Ragged Robin had installed a trail camera it reminded me to put a new set of batteries in mine and fix it up again. Going through the few captures it made this week I see that we had a night visitor a couple of times.


Most of the captures are of Penny watering the garden or local cats so it was great to see some real wild life visit. Unfortunately the camera was only set to take still photos. I have now altered the settings so it will take short video clips as well as stills.

Monday, 1 March 2021

A Murky Bedtime

I had changed ready to climb in a nice warm, cosy bed last night. As I opened the curtains and peeked outside I could see it was looking foggy and the Moon had a halo surrounding it. Even though it had turned frosty in what turned out be be freezing fog I put on a coat, grabbed a camera and nipped outside to take a coupe of photos:



It was too cold to clat about with a tripod so those were hand held with the camera resting on some fencing to help steady it a bit.
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