Saturday, 14 March 2015

Song Thrush Sings

I have heard a Song Thrush singing very close on several occasions but it usually remains well hidden from sight. Finally, yesterday I spotted it high up in one of next doors apple trees but still out of clear sight:

Song Thrush IMG_2183

Fortunately it would move its position from time to time and eventually it was in the clear for a decent shot:

Song Thrush IMG_2192

The Song Thrush even stayed long enough to catch a video clip of it deafening me:


  1. Grand, I'm just in from following thrushes and wrens with little success.

    1. Adrian: It's a lot easier when they come to me.

  2. I'm going to put a brick out to tempt song thrushes into using it as a snail anvil. My parent's garden used to have a resident thrush who used to do that.

  3. Great birds, song thrushes.

  4. Great to hear these characters in full song.

  5. I love hearing these sing. Lovely birds.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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