Every now and then when I notice the DVR is recording from one of my cameras all that can be seen gently wafting in the breeze is a perfectly circular object illuminated by the IR lights. Is it an as yet unidentified species of legless spider or the world's smallest UFO caught in a web? It shouldn't be a water droplet as it hasn't rained since early morning. No mist and too warm then to cause dew to form.
Now the IFO (identified flying object)

A grounded Common Darter Dragonfly. At first I thought it was dead until it flew away when I tried to move closer. The above is a small crop from the only shot I managed. I've seen several different types of dragon flitting about on our mid-afternoon walks but so far this is the only one I've seen settle for a while.
On a different topic. A bit if a quandary when typing the title to this post. Should UDO have a or an in front of it? If one reads just the initial letters - U D O - when spoken we would say "a U ....". If UDO is read aloud as words one would say "an Unidentified ......" English can get very complicated at times. Where is my old English teacher when I need him?
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Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John