This is what the storm looked like from NOAA 15 the evening before landfall:
I couldn't get a picture on the day as my weather satellite receiving aerial isn't totally waterproof.
Statistics recorded by my weather station:
First the rain arrived. When that stopped it was followed by the strong gusty wind. As that started to die down more rain followed. I recorded about 0.9 inches of rain in total. Not too bad. I've known far worse.
Penny spent much of the day asking to go in the garden, poking her head out of the back door, turning straight round and going back to bed to cross her legs.
Did manage our two walks. The morning one during a lull in the rain. After tea it was dry so we went down the lane. As the wind was howling straight along the lane, funnelled between buildings and hedges, it was a case of heads down and lean into the wind on the way back.
Minimal damage here. My plastic garden table was flipped upside down. Better that being blown away. Unfortunately I lost my tallest Sunflower. It had grown over 7 ft high and looked sturdy but a gust snapped the stem at ground level.
Not had to chance to look round the village as yet.