I thought it might be a Harlequin ladybird but wasn't sure until I had done some checking. The markings and colouring, including the orange legs, looks right.
Had a dabble with a new layout.
For a while, while I was trying things out, I could alter the basic text size.
When I changed the background colour the text option disappeared which was annoying as I wanted to make it slightly larger. At least it appears to be easier to read on small screens.
P.S. Found the text change facility again. Just a question of clicking the correct drop down menu under Advanced.
Penny spotted something hairy creeping past the back door. I managed to capture it in a small plastic petri dish.
Unfortunately it then refused to do anything but curl up.
LCD microscope photo:
I let it go again and waited for it to start moving.
Unfortunately for a small beast it can really move fast.
The best I could get as it rushed for cover:
It turned out to be a Ruby Tiger Moth caterpillar.
Hair in tufts, about 25mm long.
Right time of year for a second brood.
Have seen the adult moths from time to time in the longer parts of the lawn.