Saturday, 21 May 2022

Peanut Cake Visitors

The Robin Peanut Cake blocks I ordered from C J Wildlife are proving to be very popular with my garden visitors, especially as many birds are feeding nestlings at the moment. A short video showing Blue Tit, Robin and House Sparrow:

The 'cake' consists of peanut flour, tallow, Sunflower hearts, kibbled peanuts, dried mealworms and other seeds and fruit.

The camera nest box hasn't been taken by any birds but does seem to have a resident wasp. I am sure there is a Song Thrush nest in the Ivy at the bottom of the garden, or very nearby. A couple of days ago I saw two Song Thrushes together on the lawn and one keeps visiting to collect worms and always flies back to the same spot in the Ivy. So far I haven't managed to video it as the Song Thrush is very wary and timid.


  1. This feeder looks as if it may defeat the Woodpigeons. I'll keep my eye out for one.

    1. Adrian: It's the type designed for Woodpeckers, hence the grips underneath. Also I fixed it immediately below the bird table so the larger birds couldn't get near it.

  2. Nice video! I like seeing the different birds sharing the treat at the same time. You must spend a lot of money on all of your bird food and animal treats. You have set up quite the haven in your backyard for all of the critters around you! Thanks for sharing them!

    1. Ellen: Thank you. Buying large quantities and keeping an eye open for sales and discount offers helps. The pleasure I get makes it worth every penny.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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