Friday, 29 July 2022

Unidentified Bug

A group of dwarf marigolds needed dead heading. On one I spotted an insect I had not seen before today. For quite a while I thought it was a fly but looking at the poor photos I managed to get I think it may be more likely to be a weevil or similar.



The greenish V shape on its back should have made it easy to identify but an hour or so scouring the 'net' has proved so far to be fruitless.

Monday, 25 July 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's close view ...


... didn't fool Kev Scott and Ragged Robin who both sussed out it was part of a cricket practice net.


Well done to both and my thanks to all who had a guess.

Struggling to find something I was totally satisfied with for this week but here goes.


What, in general terms, made the patterns in this rock? As always, if you would like to make a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Gardeners' Friend

Where I used to have two Hedgehogs visit the feeding station every night I now see just one which visits two or three nights a week. Early this morning the visitor earned its free meal when it found some natural food - a nice bug juicy slug.

That is one less to worry about! No sound from this camera.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

A Tad on the Warm Side

I was reading about the local highways department sending out their hot weather gritter to spread a thin layer of sand on roads where the tarmac is melting and thought what is it like here?

The ambient air temperature seems to have peaked about 38C so I took a couple of photos looking up the lane where I live.

A screen shot displaying the Seek thermal imaging camera view and measurements alongside as near a match I could get of the same view in visible light:
Screenshot 2022-07-19_15-21-36-672

The temperatures for each colour in the IR photo are shown down the left hand side. Lane surface up to 59C! Nice cool hedges on the shade side.

Ellen D. ... an apology. I found your missing comment in the spam folder. Chances are I carelessly hit the wrong icon. Now rectified and published.

Monday, 18 July 2022

Monday Mystery

At last it is cooling down a bit here as we head towards nightfall. Now 28C, down from a peak of 36.6C. Anyway, on to the subject of this post. Last week's picture:


was correctly identified by Wilma - well done Wilma - as


containing a scented candle. My thanks to others who had a guess.

This time I have been looking outdoors for something different.


This wheel is a small part of ...... what?

If you would like to make a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday.

Monday, 11 July 2022

Monday Mystery

It seems that


turned aout to be more difficult than I expected. Here it is in all its glory ..


An egg tray from a refrigerator. Thank you to those who had a look and made a guess. I wonder how difficult this week's mystery object will be to guess. What do you think this was designed to contain?


If you would like to make a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

In the Pink

I went for a stroll down the lane to see what nature would catch my eye. I keep hoping to spot the occasional dragonfly but there were none to be seen this time. After sitting on the veranda of the cricket club pavillion for a while to take in the scenery and fresh air I wandered back home. On the way I took a few photos of some pink flowers I had spotted on the way there.

Common Mallow:
Common Mallow

Thistle with a couple of hoverflies, Episyrphus balteatus (I think):
thistle with hover flies

A closer crop of that photo:

A plant I have failed to identify ....

On reaching home I couldn't resist taking a photo of my Callistemon (bottle brush plant)


A straggly bush but a really showy plant when in full bloom and each year attracting more bees.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's object


was correctly identified by all who made a guess. My thanks and congratulations to Adrian, Ragged Robin, Wilma and Ellen D. who all said that it is a stopper to put in the neck of a wine bottle to replace the cork after it has been removed.

This week we have a part view of something for you to identify.


If you would like to have a guess as to what it is please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

A Rare Opportunity ....

.... to see this Old Codger actually doing something! The camera which observes any activity around the bird feeders kept a record of the slim, handsome old codger who writes all this guff doing what he does least - get off his backside and and take in some fresh air and exercise! The video recordings were re-processed at 8x normal speed and a soundtrack added as the original sound was mainly wind noise.

The soundtrack is one I made when experimenting with an app called ChordBot on an iPad about nine years ago. Next job is to clean up the top of the storage box, then enjoy watching which birds visit for a free meal.
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