Friday, 29 July 2022

Unidentified Bug

A group of dwarf marigolds needed dead heading. On one I spotted an insect I had not seen before today. For quite a while I thought it was a fly but looking at the poor photos I managed to get I think it may be more likely to be a weevil or similar.



The greenish V shape on its back should have made it easy to identify but an hour or so scouring the 'net' has proved so far to be fruitless.


  1. I guess it's one of the Miridae. A young Tarnished Plant Bug?

  2. Thanks for the pointer Adrian. After another search it looks likely to be an adult Miridae Lygus pratensis

  3. Yes you could right for all I know. It was the black markings on it's thorax I was trying to match, without success. Colour is not that reliable an indicator as you will see when ploughing through hundreds of images.

  4. Interesting insect. I've had a look in my Insect book but couldn't see it in there. Very unusual and distinctive. Looks from your comment above that you may have identified now :)

  5. How cool is that! It looks like a bug wearing a super cape! Good eye, John!


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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