I really do like an egg and cress sarnie (sandwich). Eggs are easy to find almose anywhere but finding cress seeds for some reason seems to be more of a hunting expedition. Maybe that's just the unobservant side of me. The last time I went to a garden centre I couldn't find one packet. This time I went to my local garden centre determined to come home with at least a couple of packets. The following are screen shots from some video I took whilst there. I will explain why they tend to be all of a tilt at the end.
First task on arriving was to stock up with some bird food and managed to find the suet slabs I wanted:
as well as some suet balls and wild bird seed. Then on to the seed displays.
After scouring the vast display racks I finally spotted some.
I am not a great fan of Thompson and Morgan products based of previous experience but did find better value for home grow cress seed seems to be with the packets aimed at children. Well, they do say by the time one reaches my age it's like entering a second childhood.
Grabbed a couple of packets and had a look at the indoor plant section. The items I could have been interested in looked neglected and half dead so I moved outside to see what was on offer.
On offer at three for £5 I chose some as they may thrive better in one of my raised beds during time of low rainfall.
Those still screen grabs are from a video taken by this:
A ball point pen which contains a video camera. The lens is in the clip:
During my visit the pen was in my shirt pocket. Consequently it was moving with my body and the resulting video is all over the place. It was by way of an experiment. The camera would be ideal in more static situations.
Mission accumplished:
First batch of cress seeds on the kitchen window sill.