How were the pictures made?
Adrian was correct in surmising it was something to do with a new app.
I found a camera app for the iPhone (NightCap) which is designed for night photography, especially sky photography. It has several different methods for taking photos of stars and meteors. One facility can continuously take slightly delayed shots but instead of saving them separately it combines them in real time. Me being me I decided to see what would happen with a normal daytime view.
This is the area I was looking at

It was quite a breezy day so much of the hedge was moving.
In consequence various parts of the hedge were recorded in slightly different places.
I think I kept the app running for 5 seconds or thereabouts.
Resulting in

I added the frame.
Some fine night I will set up the iPhone on a tripod outdoors to see what happens.
If shooting long enough it should record star trails.
Be good if it does do rails as they are the very devil to do in Photoshop. Remember to have the Pole star in the middle and everything else should sweep round it in a circle or circles.