I had to go to the farthest end but did spot an empty space, one of only four or five left by that time of day. Bought a ticket. £1.50 for 2 hours, not a bad price in this day and age, and set off through the main shopping street heading towards the market place.
This stall is always there, in pride of place, selling good quality garden plants and cut flowers.

Not just food stalls but also sellers of trinkets, decorations, clothes, etc..

Many home made by local traders

Not forgetting food. Didn't see much veg but plenty of fruit

I bought some pears and blueberries and then spotted

where I bough a dressed crab. Not had one for years and it was delicious.
After a look round the market I visited my favourite electrical shop

hoping to find a new fridge but they only had one on view.
Then on to the parish church

where I spent about an hour exploring inside.
More on that in my next post.
Finally I wandered back past the market place with its view of the clock tower.

It marks the entrance to the old indoor market which used to contain many small stalls until it was sold off and is now occupied by a single trader and is really a normal shop.
Back to the car park where I noticed something which was new to me

two reserved spaces where electric vehicles can be charged.
It looks quite tempting. I enjoy food shopping. Years since I've seen sheepskins for sale, had forgotten they existed.
ReplyDeleteAdrian: It hasn't been a thing I have enjoyed in the past but as I find more things I shouldn't eat I need to explore new possibilities.