Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Great Tit Nestbox

Definitely more than a little crowded in the Great Tit nestbox these days as the babies continue to grow. It can't be too long before they start to fledge. One is often seen exercising its wings:

Some time this morning one of the babies fledged so now the parents have five in the nest and one out and about to look after.


  1. Wow, how fast they've grown John! Hope they all leave safely!

    1. They have grown fast Maree. One has flown and others are getting ready.

  2. My goodness, how quickly they have grown! It certainly looks like it won't be long now. I hadn't realised they were so advanced, where does the time go? I hope Penny won't show too much interest in fledglings hopping around the garden :-) Hopefully she will guard them from the neighbourhood cats!

    1. Haven't they just Jan. One has flown and others seem to be getting ready. Penny doesn't seem to bother too much with the small birds but does a good job of seeing off the fat greedy Wood Pigeons and the local cats.

  3. Looking good John, doesn't seem 2 minutes since the eggs were laid!

    1. Time does fly Paul. Most have now made it out in the big bad world.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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