Monday, 7 May 2012

Macro on Monday - Great Tits Feeding Babies

Well, I made a mess of last week's Guess What to start with. The plant I chose is growing in a thick hedge nearby and I had it fixed in my mind for days that I was looking as a Holly bush but no, I was wrong and gave a misleading clue to start with - sorry to all who were confused. It was in fact a Mahonia which fortunately was correctly identified by Keith, Jan and Wilma who thoroughly deserve the   gold star  this week.

P1030654 copy    P1030656

That will be the last Guess What for some weeks while I concentrate on the goings on in the Great Tit Nestbox. Many thanks to all who have had a go at identifying the various objects over the past months.


It is hard to tell whether there are five or six baby Great Tits in the nest now. My guess is five. They are keeping Mama and Papa very busy feeding all those hungry beaks. Here is a bit of video from this morning: (It took over 2hrs to upload this short clip to YouTube this morning!)

I will continue with the streaming video as often as I can. I have to turn it off if I want to copy any clips from the DVR as the computer can handle only one video input at a time.
The live stream can be found HERE.  It will mainly run from about 7am to 8pm local time, sometimes longer. From about 9pm to 10pm I switch over to the Hedgehog camera as one often visits during that time.


  1. Thank you very much for the gold star John, I shall add it to my collection :-)

    What a lovely piece of video! I am always humbled by their attentive parenting skills. They could teach the human race a thing or two!

    1. You deserved the star Jan.
      Amazing how birds / animals know instinctively how to bring up their offspring but more and more humans seem to need parenting classes.

  2. Just been watching your bird box. Can you tell me what software and hardware you are using.
    Regards, Keith.

    1. Hello Keith,

      I've emailed you some information.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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