Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Raiding the Raid
For some years I have had a NAS (network attached storage) unit made by Synology.
In essence it consists of a box with two 3TB hard drives and some software.

The two hard drives can be used in series to give 6TB of storage space or connected to work in parallel as a raid. Any files sent to it are stored on the first drive. Its internal software then makes an exact copy on the second drive. What use is this method of operation? Well, if one hard drive fails there is still a complete record of the files sent to it. Replace the faulty drive and its software sets about copying everything from the good drive to the new one so we are back to two copies of everything.
I use it to store my photos, videos and music files. As I had run out of new ideas for my weekly WidsMob Montage puzzle photos I was able to search through the NAS and pick out some old photos to use over the next few weeks. I raided my raid!
The Synology is connected to my wired LAN (local area network).
File transfer speeds can top 400Mb/s on long video files.
In essence it consists of a box with two 3TB hard drives and some software.

The two hard drives can be used in series to give 6TB of storage space or connected to work in parallel as a raid. Any files sent to it are stored on the first drive. Its internal software then makes an exact copy on the second drive. What use is this method of operation? Well, if one hard drive fails there is still a complete record of the files sent to it. Replace the faulty drive and its software sets about copying everything from the good drive to the new one so we are back to two copies of everything.
I use it to store my photos, videos and music files. As I had run out of new ideas for my weekly WidsMob Montage puzzle photos I was able to search through the NAS and pick out some old photos to use over the next few weeks. I raided my raid!
The Synology is connected to my wired LAN (local area network).
File transfer speeds can top 400Mb/s on long video files.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Monday Montage
Last week's WidsMob Montage modified photo was

which Adrian, The Weaver of Grass, Wilma and Ragged Robin all worked out was

one of Penny's cuddly toys. (A legless dog resting on a Union Flag cushion)
A side on view

A firm favourite of hers as this one is easy to make squeak.
This week's montage is
a photo of what?
If you would like to have a guess please leave it in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.

which Adrian, The Weaver of Grass, Wilma and Ragged Robin all worked out was

one of Penny's cuddly toys. (A legless dog resting on a Union Flag cushion)
A side on view

A firm favourite of hers as this one is easy to make squeak.
This week's montage is

a photo of what?
If you would like to have a guess please leave it in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.
Sunday, 28 October 2018
Winter Pays a Brief Visit + Rainbow
Yesterday morning came as a bit of a shock. When we went walkabout the temperature had dropped to 1.9C but felt colder in the chill of a Northerly breeze and light rain. By early afternoon things looked even colder when a short sharp hail shower arrived. Though this turned to rain some of the hail was still visible over an hour later.

More cheerful this morning.
Sun breaking though and a very clear rainbow to greet me.

More cheerful this morning.
Sun breaking though and a very clear rainbow to greet me.

Saturday, 27 October 2018
Trying to Keep Warm
A few days ago I spotted this large Bumblebee as it slowly crept across the green man by my front gate. It looked as though it was trying to find a warm place in the Autumn Sunshine.

I don't think I will see many today having had to dig out my thickest Winter coat for our early morning walkabout in temperatures which had dipped below 2C.

I don't think I will see many today having had to dig out my thickest Winter coat for our early morning walkabout in temperatures which had dipped below 2C.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Moonset 2
Thursday, 25 October 2018
On this morning's walkabout there was a faint red sky to the East as the rising Sun illuminated the wispy clouds. Towards the West the Moon was setting behind the trees.
Canon 70D, 300mm zoom lens with an added 3x digital zoom in camera.
Shot at normal speed.
Canon 70D, 300mm zoom lens with an added 3x digital zoom in camera.
Shot at normal speed.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Alford Cartoonified
As always I had the iPod set up to record my car journeys.
I have shown the drive out of Alford in the past.
This time I thought I would make it look a little different.
This is the result of using the Mac app Celling Video
Turn right out of the car park.
After the few shops the market square in on the left.
Where the black car comes towards me is the Greyhound charity shop.
Wait for a gap in the traffic passing the church.
On to the road which takes us back home.
As we negotiate the left hand bend out of the town there is the entrance to Alford's five sail working windmill. I must get round to visiting it for a photo session.
I took this photo of Alford windmill some years ago.

Read about the windmill on the Alford Windmill web site.
I have shown the drive out of Alford in the past.
This time I thought I would make it look a little different.
This is the result of using the Mac app Celling Video
Turn right out of the car park.
After the few shops the market square in on the left.
Where the black car comes towards me is the Greyhound charity shop.
Wait for a gap in the traffic passing the church.
On to the road which takes us back home.
As we negotiate the left hand bend out of the town there is the entrance to Alford's five sail working windmill. I must get round to visiting it for a photo session.
I took this photo of Alford windmill some years ago.

Read about the windmill on the Alford Windmill web site.
Monday, 22 October 2018
Monday Montage
No problems identifying last week's WidsMob Montage modified photo

as Adrian, Wilma and Ragged Robin correctly identified it as

some lovely red rose hips.
That brings back memories of school dinners.
Rice pudding with rose hip syrup.
For this week's montage I took a photo of

Like to have a guess?
Please leave your answer in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.

as Adrian, Wilma and Ragged Robin correctly identified it as

some lovely red rose hips.
That brings back memories of school dinners.
Rice pudding with rose hip syrup.
For this week's montage I took a photo of

Like to have a guess?
Please leave your answer in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.
Sunday, 21 October 2018
St Wilfrid's Church, Alford, Lincolnshire
Saturday afternoon, though still cool, the Sun decided to shine on the righteous. I wanted to visit the Alford charity shop which supports Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary. That is the rescue centre where I found Penny six years ago. I knew she would jump at the chance of a car journey and visiting somewhere different to investigate so in no time she was sprawled out on the back seat of the car and we were on our way.
Once we were parked up near the town centre I had a pleasant surprise.
The first hour's parking was free.
Just enter the car registration number and hit the green button on the ticket machine.

First task was to walk out the back of the car park which leads to a country lane. That gave madam a chance to have a good stiff at every tuft of grass and do whatever else she needed before we walked into the market square. As we ambled back past the shops I saw the charity shop was busy so I decided to have a look round the outside of the parish church.
This is the second church built on the site, the first being constructed of wood.
At least part of the present building is said to date back to 1289.

On previous visits, mainly in the Summer time, I have seen people abseiling down the tower, usually to raise money for charity. This time all was quiet apart from the traffic which passes the church on the way to and from Mablethorpe on the Lincolnshire coast.
Once we had found a gap in the traffic we dashed across to the church where we could relax and take our time.
I had not walked round the church before and there was plenty to look at.
First the base of the tower and its entrance door

Once round the back, the North side, I could see the roof edge was lined with well weathered gargoyles.

One thing I did notice was that most of the arches over the doors and windows were terminated with carved heads. A couple of composite pictures made with the Mac App Photo Wrangler to show closer views of the carvings.

Just look at those magnificent hinges.

A clearer view of one

Nearing the East end of the church a glance heavenwards showed the pinnacles which top the tower.

Moving round to the front of the church one can see the very prominent war memorial.

There are several grave cover stones in this area.
One which caught my interest (complete with patient greyhound shadow).

An enhanced view of the inscription.

That led us to the main entrance.

After this quick tour round the exterior of

we walked back to the market square and visited the charity shop. I achieved my purpose - to buy a pack of Christmas cards which have been specially designed for Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary. The four legged boss fell in love with the lady who had the tin of dog biscuits kept to reward doggy visitors. Then it was time to return to the car and journey home.
Once we were parked up near the town centre I had a pleasant surprise.
The first hour's parking was free.
Just enter the car registration number and hit the green button on the ticket machine.

First task was to walk out the back of the car park which leads to a country lane. That gave madam a chance to have a good stiff at every tuft of grass and do whatever else she needed before we walked into the market square. As we ambled back past the shops I saw the charity shop was busy so I decided to have a look round the outside of the parish church.
This is the second church built on the site, the first being constructed of wood.
At least part of the present building is said to date back to 1289.

On previous visits, mainly in the Summer time, I have seen people abseiling down the tower, usually to raise money for charity. This time all was quiet apart from the traffic which passes the church on the way to and from Mablethorpe on the Lincolnshire coast.
Once we had found a gap in the traffic we dashed across to the church where we could relax and take our time.
I had not walked round the church before and there was plenty to look at.
First the base of the tower and its entrance door

Once round the back, the North side, I could see the roof edge was lined with well weathered gargoyles.

One thing I did notice was that most of the arches over the doors and windows were terminated with carved heads. A couple of composite pictures made with the Mac App Photo Wrangler to show closer views of the carvings.

Just look at those magnificent hinges.

A clearer view of one

Nearing the East end of the church a glance heavenwards showed the pinnacles which top the tower.

Moving round to the front of the church one can see the very prominent war memorial.

There are several grave cover stones in this area.
One which caught my interest (complete with patient greyhound shadow).

An enhanced view of the inscription.

That led us to the main entrance.

After this quick tour round the exterior of

we walked back to the market square and visited the charity shop. I achieved my purpose - to buy a pack of Christmas cards which have been specially designed for Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary. The four legged boss fell in love with the lady who had the tin of dog biscuits kept to reward doggy visitors. Then it was time to return to the car and journey home.
Friday, 19 October 2018
The Gathering of the Clan
I had nipped out to visit our local garden centre as I needed to replenish some items in my bird food stock; fat balls and peanuts. Now the temperature on many mornings starts in single figures some of my local visitors are returning. Also I had a £10 discount voucher so their exorbitant prices looked a bit more normal. It always pays to have a long hard scout round the bird food section. Prominent were piles of tubs with 50 fat balls at a certain price. Tucked away on a bottom shelf was the same item except they contained 60 for the same price. One guess which I took home!
While I was having a wander round some of the displays of Winter bedding plants what should I spy?
A gathering of Starlings on the overhead power lines.

As well as our resident flocks there are those which migrate to and from Northern European countries. Not sure which these were or which way they might be heading. Not in the direction of my bird feeders I hope.
While I was having a wander round some of the displays of Winter bedding plants what should I spy?
A gathering of Starlings on the overhead power lines.

As well as our resident flocks there are those which migrate to and from Northern European countries. Not sure which these were or which way they might be heading. Not in the direction of my bird feeders I hope.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Monday, 15 October 2018
Monday Montage
Last week's WidsMob Montage modified photo was

Well done Adrian, The Weaver, Ragged Robin and Wilma who could all could see it was

a broken eggshell.
I found this in the middle of the garden. It appears to me to be the remains of a Woodpigeon egg. Whether it was discarded after the chick hatched or was stolen by a Magpie I can't tell.
This week's montage is

If you would like to make a guess please leave your answer in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.

Well done Adrian, The Weaver, Ragged Robin and Wilma who could all could see it was

a broken eggshell.
I found this in the middle of the garden. It appears to me to be the remains of a Woodpigeon egg. Whether it was discarded after the chick hatched or was stolen by a Magpie I can't tell.
This week's montage is

If you would like to make a guess please leave your answer in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Saturday's Sunrise
We were out and about at just the right moment yesterday morning.
Glorious Sunrise
Looking South from my front gate

Looking East back down the lane

Looking East across the school grounds

It was the usual battle of wills.
The four legged boss wanting to examine and analyse every enticing scent.
Me wanting to reach the ideal place for that final photo before the event was over.
You will only need one guess as to which of us won this time.
Took my mind off it being Flu jab day at the local surgery.
No problems with the actual injection but I know that area of me is usually sore for several days afterwards. The session started at 8.30 a.m.. There was already a queue of about 30 people when the doors opened. It pays to be early as I was informed they ran out of vaccine a couple of weeks ago when they had a session at their other surgery on the coast. As these are walk in sessions it is difficult for the staff to accurately estimate how many of those eligible for a free flu vaccination will actually turn up on the day.
Saturday was another exceptionally warm day for the time of year.
My weather station recorded 24.8C by mid-afternoon.
Dry but very blustery. Maximum gust recorded was 52km/h
Glorious Sunrise
Looking South from my front gate

Looking East back down the lane

Looking East across the school grounds

It was the usual battle of wills.
The four legged boss wanting to examine and analyse every enticing scent.
Me wanting to reach the ideal place for that final photo before the event was over.
You will only need one guess as to which of us won this time.
Took my mind off it being Flu jab day at the local surgery.
No problems with the actual injection but I know that area of me is usually sore for several days afterwards. The session started at 8.30 a.m.. There was already a queue of about 30 people when the doors opened. It pays to be early as I was informed they ran out of vaccine a couple of weeks ago when they had a session at their other surgery on the coast. As these are walk in sessions it is difficult for the staff to accurately estimate how many of those eligible for a free flu vaccination will actually turn up on the day.
Saturday was another exceptionally warm day for the time of year.
My weather station recorded 24.8C by mid-afternoon.
Dry but very blustery. Maximum gust recorded was 52km/h
Saturday, 13 October 2018
Multicoloured Breakfast Time
I was up and about earlier than usual yesterday. The idea was to get the early morning walkies over before any rain arrived. I was tucking in to my individual pot of peach chunks in juice and watching the Sunrise through the kitchen window. Just as some of the clouds were starting to take on an orange hue I noticed the rainbow.

It seems many months, if not a couple of years, since I last saw one and I don't think I have ever seen one so early in the day. A cheerful start to what was forecast to be a wet and windy day. Fortunately it wasn't very wet here. Just the occasional light shower but we had plenty of gusty wind.

It seems many months, if not a couple of years, since I last saw one and I don't think I have ever seen one so early in the day. A cheerful start to what was forecast to be a wet and windy day. Fortunately it wasn't very wet here. Just the occasional light shower but we had plenty of gusty wind.
Friday, 12 October 2018
2500 Today
Yes, that is how old I feel some days but it actually refers to this being my 2500th blog post since I took a deep breath and started out in Blogger Land, January 2009. I knew not whether anyone would look at and read what I had to say and show. It has been a very pleasant experience and pass-time and I am eternally grateful for those who have visited and for those who leave comments.
One of the photos from that first post was of this juvenile Great Tit enjoying a peanut

I think one of my favourites of those early photos is this Rook balancing on the thinnest of twigs

I used to see my favourites much more frequently back then
Long-tailed Tits

My constant companion was Bobby the Lurcher

Enough of looking back. What of the future? One thing is for sure, I will keep blogging so you readers will have to put up with my wittering for a few more years yet. What has amazed me is the variety of places where my visitors reside. According to 'Flag Counter' they have come from 159 different countries. It just shows how the internet has no bounds or barriers, apart from a few political ones.
This past year or so there has been little variety and numbers of wildlife visiting my garden. That has been partly due to the tidying up and general clearance of overgrown bushes and trees nearby but as new plants grow and flourish I look forward to seeing and photographing more visitors.
Of course, blogging works in both directions giving an opportunity to find interesting and informative blogs from all corners of the world.
One of the photos from that first post was of this juvenile Great Tit enjoying a peanut

I think one of my favourites of those early photos is this Rook balancing on the thinnest of twigs

I used to see my favourites much more frequently back then
Long-tailed Tits

My constant companion was Bobby the Lurcher

Enough of looking back. What of the future? One thing is for sure, I will keep blogging so you readers will have to put up with my wittering for a few more years yet. What has amazed me is the variety of places where my visitors reside. According to 'Flag Counter' they have come from 159 different countries. It just shows how the internet has no bounds or barriers, apart from a few political ones.
This past year or so there has been little variety and numbers of wildlife visiting my garden. That has been partly due to the tidying up and general clearance of overgrown bushes and trees nearby but as new plants grow and flourish I look forward to seeing and photographing more visitors.
Of course, blogging works in both directions giving an opportunity to find interesting and informative blogs from all corners of the world.
Thursday, 11 October 2018
A cool start to the day yesterday but once the Sun got going the temperature climbed steadily almost reaching 21C for several hours. When I went out to clear a cobweb from in front of one of my cameras I spotted this little weevil sunning itself on top of the warm rain cover.

Managed to get some pruning and weeding done so the green wheelie bin is suitably full for Friday morning's green waste collection.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Monday, 8 October 2018
Monday Montage
Last Monday's WidsMob Montage modified photo was

Yes, it is some sort of cooker containing vegetables.
Everyone got close but only Adrian was 100% correct as it was

a steamer. A small 400W electric steamer. Has overheat cut-out and timer. One problem with it - the timer can be set up to one hour but the water container doesn't hold enough water to last that long. Safer to stick with 40 - 45 minute sessions. You also have to be careful when cleaning out the bottom section which holds the water. The mains lead is permanently attached so it can't be immersed in water. They do come with three tiers but I craftily only showed one so as not to give the game away.
I do have a slow cooker which I used occasionally when I was out all day at work. Personally I hated it. It cooked things just fine but I found everything I put in tasted the same. So with some minced beef and mixed vegetables I found everything tasted of beef. Steaming the vegetables usually allows each type of food to retain its individual taste.
A somewhat smaller object this week.

which is a ..... what?
If you think you know or want to hazard a guess please leave your answer in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.

Yes, it is some sort of cooker containing vegetables.
Everyone got close but only Adrian was 100% correct as it was

a steamer. A small 400W electric steamer. Has overheat cut-out and timer. One problem with it - the timer can be set up to one hour but the water container doesn't hold enough water to last that long. Safer to stick with 40 - 45 minute sessions. You also have to be careful when cleaning out the bottom section which holds the water. The mains lead is permanently attached so it can't be immersed in water. They do come with three tiers but I craftily only showed one so as not to give the game away.
I do have a slow cooker which I used occasionally when I was out all day at work. Personally I hated it. It cooked things just fine but I found everything I put in tasted the same. So with some minced beef and mixed vegetables I found everything tasted of beef. Steaming the vegetables usually allows each type of food to retain its individual taste.
A somewhat smaller object this week.

which is a ..... what?
If you think you know or want to hazard a guess please leave your answer in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the original photo, next Monday.
Sunday, 7 October 2018
First Attempt with Blender on Ubuntu
Having seen the marvellous things Adrian (Adrian's Images) achieves with Blender and other 3D graphics programs it inspired me to take the plunge and install Blender on my new (refurbished) desktop PC.
It is a steep learning curve but fortunately the Blender user community is large, nay vast, so a quick Google ( as Doddy used to say - They can't touch you for it) can usually throw up several helpful, detailed help files and videos.
My first simple 3D house shape

... with a bit more detail and a first attempt at rendering a video
This should keep me off the streets and out of mischief for hours during the coming long, dark evenings.
It is a steep learning curve but fortunately the Blender user community is large, nay vast, so a quick Google ( as Doddy used to say - They can't touch you for it) can usually throw up several helpful, detailed help files and videos.
My first simple 3D house shape

... with a bit more detail and a first attempt at rendering a video
This should keep me off the streets and out of mischief for hours during the coming long, dark evenings.
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